Physician Shortages

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Physician Shortages

In all but Miami, demand for care will outstrip supply of providers by 20% or more by 2035. Nurse Practitioners can fill this void. But only if they can practice to their fullest ability.

According to a reports from IHS Markit commissioned by the Florida Safety Net Hospital Alliance and the Florida Hospital Association, there will be a projected shortfall of 17,924 physicians by 2035. This includes a primary care shortage of 5,974 providers in family medicine, general internal medicine, pediatric medicine, and geriatric medicine.

Similarly, the same reports discusses Nurse Practitioner demand in Florida. It states there will be an expected increased need for Nurse practitioners of 32% in just primary care. Demand for Nurse Midwifes will increase by 16%, 26% for Nurse Anesthetists (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists or CRNA’s), with a total overall increase in demand of 31%. This is under the status quo, meaning physicians supervising Nurse Practitioners. However, if there is a shortfall of physicians, who will supervise the Nurse Practitioners? Currently, only physicians can provide this.

The “doctor will see you….eventually”

According to data published by Merritt Hawkins as an offshoot of AMN Healthcare in 2022, the typical patient must wait 20.6 days to see a family physician if they are already established with that provider. For new patients, this rises to 26 days! This study was conducted in only the 15 most populous metropolitan areas in the country. This means suburban and rural areas have even longer wait times!

And it will only get worse

As the above numbers show, this problem will only get much worse over the next decade. That is, unless something changes. If Nurse Practitioners were allowed to practice to the fullest extend of their training and education, much of this problem could be easily solved. Without changing anything else!

This time is NOW

Floridians shouldn’t need to wait any longer for their healthcare! Tell your legislators and the governor you want Nurse Practitioners to be able to practice to the fullest extent of their training and education. Tell them you want, and Florida needs true full practice authority for all Nurse Practitioners!

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